
Designer In Digital Era_Jaemoon Rhee

In a simple formula, Knowledge in design is depth of understanding times area of possibility field. Possibility field is a palette of possible tools and materials in individuals’ mind while the depth of understanding literally indicates level of understanding on things on the palette or the confidence to use them. The main reason for me to apply for MS_DT was to expand my palette while have hands-on understandings to assure myself on utilizing things on my palette. I believe that is the best way to advance as a designer.

In past days, architects seemed to believe the depth in understanding on tools such as materials, representation, and construction methods, is more effective way to advance the design. With more realistic reasons, expansion in palette only happened in few experimental projects, and in many cases, architects returned to convention. Meanwhile, leaders of architects like Frei Otto, Peter Zumthor, Frank Gehry, and Zaha Hadid, pushed the boundaries on understanding to open up new potentials.
With the rapid advancement in technology, only within recent few years, architects at the edge seem to find a way to utilize their expanded palettes in real projects. Tools like Rhinoceros and grasshopper3d provide interface for architects to use developed mathematical and computational solutions from other industries. CAD, CAM and robotic fabrication allow us to adapt new methods of making from other industries. With more open sourced materials, it seems about right time to share our deepened knowledge with other industries with less cost and higher efficiency in transition.

Collaboration in different field inevitably requires an arbiter role. Designers are the trained people to collect and survey data, then, abstract to shape core value and create future from it. Thus, in many collaboration work, designers manage the flow of knowledge. Hence, both the expansion in palette and depth of understanding are the core values for designer. Now seems the best time to achieve stiff increase in knowledge.

In a way, this seems to be the role, expected to perform better by future A.I. A.I will store a lot more data in short time then a regular designer. It will have precisely calibrated algorithm to find the core value. Then it will create a design that can perform better functionally and emotionally from collected big data. It will not have any problem with managing collaboration in different field, since it will understand all the necessary tools it needs. While a human being purely depends on one’s personality and experience in one’s lifetime for creation, A.I. will be equivalent to infinite number of personality and unlimited experience. Within 50 years at the maximum, we will see an ultimate solution of design by A.I that will perform perfect in general criteria.

Nonetheless, A.I. will not be able to replace all the designers. The unbiased data collection, and best performing in general criteria do not always mean the best design for one. It will be more popular, but there will be people seeking for uniqueness. The biased, and immature, compare to the amount of collected lifetime experience to A.I, experience and personally will create a unique solution that can match with a single person. Some people say A.I will even be better on this situation, too because it can collect the preference of the client and create the best for that. Nevertheless, the uniqueness will be the competitive value for a human designer. We just need to be ready with enough colors on our palette and understanding on how to mix and use them. 

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