
Agents Over a Surface [1]

Surface to Agents

Using a simple surface modeled in Rhino, agents were produced in a python script that travel back and forth across the surface to generate form.  This was done as a quick test, since the form is more lump-like than dome.  If this project were fabricated by way of deposition, where a robot with an extruder uses the curves as a toolpath, would it be possible to realize this form without the use of supporting formwork?

A Dome of Ribbons


The number of agents used to generate the form was increased.  This time, working with python, a script was developed to loft between curves.  With so many curves in close proximity to one another, the lofted surfaces are long and narrow, and define the overall form in a series of ribbons.  

In both images shown, only the profile of the form resembles a dome.  What would normally a void within the surface, here, is penetrated by the rings generated by the lofted curves.  Though intriguing formally, this method of surface generation was abandoned in search of a more clarified approach of space defined by exterior. 



Ok, I know what you're thinking:  "That's not a dome."  Well, you're right - partially.  Using Processing software, agents were created that are moving outward and downward from a single point.  The intent was to get them moving further away from the middle.  But they have the property of "wander" attached to them, so I got squiggly lines, which unfortunately fill the center.  This was not the intent.  The intent is to have a space in the center.  After all, domes are interior space as much as figural object.  Looks like I'll need to work on my agent path.


Vector Paths to Mesh by Voxelization

Here is the grasshopper script used to create the smooth mesh from the vector lines. After the agent paths have been exported as .dxf attempt to join each agents path as a single polyline and then use the grasshopper script. You will need to download weaverbird to run this.
The script attempts to work on the principle of voxelization.

Vector Paths to Mesh

The procedure is focused on agent paths and a mesh object described around them. The movement of agents is negotiated through attractors, flocking forces and random forces.
A series of circular forces are distributed throughout the domain with different delays to influence the agents into  paths transcribing convex paths that eventually thicken and connect to create an enclosed interior volume.

The Beginnings of a Dome

The Beginnings of a Dome

This project looks at the virtual creation of a dome, using an agent-based script in Processing.  Originally, the script employs 100 agents, but 20 was used for this iteration to give a clear form without the agents from infilling it.
The processing model is taken into Rhino and skinned using grasshopper.The resulting skin, pulled taught over the curves is quite nice.
The interior, though, shows a more haphazard condition. Rather than the desired coffering that relates to a logic of structure, the surface weaves in and through itself. Because the agents in processing move away from the center point in a random order, curve [0] and curve [1] may be across from one another, rather than side-by-side.  This becomes problematic when lofting in grasshopper.  The intent is to create a large central space beneath the dome with the structure articulated at the edge.  
It has been suggested that I look at Brunelleschi's dome and I will continue with this.