The Beginnings of a Dome
This project looks at the virtual creation of a dome, using an agent-based script in Processing. Originally, the script employs 100 agents, but 20 was used for this iteration to give a clear form without the agents from infilling it.
The processing model is taken into Rhino and skinned using grasshopper.The resulting skin, pulled taught over the curves is quite nice.
The interior, though, shows a more haphazard condition. Rather than the desired coffering that relates to a logic of structure, the surface weaves in and through itself. Because the agents in processing move away from the center point in a random order, curve [0] and curve [1] may be across from one another, rather than side-by-side. This becomes problematic when lofting in grasshopper. The intent is to create a large central space beneath the dome with the structure articulated at the edge.
It has been suggested that I look at Brunelleschi's dome and I will continue with this.